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The tenth anniversary celebration of Tavol Cranes Group

Views: 61     Author: Cecilia sls99@tavolgroup.com     Publish Time: 2021-10-14      Origin: Site

In 2011, I was riding a broken bicycle on Taishan Street. I received a call from Xintai Industrial and Commercial Bureau for company registration. I thought about more than 10 names, but none of them were appropriate. What can I do? When I was in a hurry, I suddenly raised my head and saw the big billboard of China Unicom that says "Wo 3G". Try Tavol. As soon as the voice is over and the phone is not hung up, just listen to it and say it's okay. Register. NS.

At that time, we were working in a small office of 45 square meters on the 13th floor of the Times Pearl Building. I remember that there were Li Ming, Wu Haiyan, Yin Chengqian, Jia Fuqing and Wang Linlin. The values at the time were simple to allow Tavol to survive for at least 30 years.

In 2011, we purchased Guoshan Center 1507. It should have been moved in in 2013. Later, we expanded one set almost every year and we were renovating every year. It was not until 2017 that we had today’s office situation. Our development follows The development of Alibaba and the changes in the Internet age is the result of the joint efforts of all colleagues. All of you here are the masters of Tavol.Not to mention the past, we still need to look forward to the future work and life conditions.

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We established Tavol Heavy Industry in 2018. At that time, our vision was to manufacture crane products with a craftsmanship, and the effect was slowly showing; Tavol Agricultural Equipment was created in 2021, with the mission to use the best heart to assemble the best Tractors are fighting for the smiles of 1 billion farmers around the world. Our progress in recent years is obvious to all. The next most important task is to make products based on the values of openness, tolerance, cooperation and win-win. Customers create greater value, make positive contributions to social development and progress, and strive to build Tavol’s brand value, and at the same time allow everyone to gain something, achieve something, and rely on it.

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Since the 2020 epidemic, the international environment has changed greatly, and there are more and more uncertain factors, especially Tavol’s Agricultural Equipment, which has just been established and has not yet been listed in the domestic agricultural machinery subsidy catalog. The risk of business operations is still very large. The more this At that time, everyone should twist into a rope and work together to find ways to break through the difficulties. I have been encouraging everyone to explore domestic market sales. I hope that in the next 10 years, our company's domestic and overseas market sales structure can achieve 50:50, that is, 50%. Sales in overseas markets and 50% in domestic markets.

For the sales team, we need to continuously strengthen the team's combat ability and the ability to win battles, the ability to solve problems and the ability to learn, maintain an increase of 2 to 4 new recruits every year, continue to add fresh blood, and formulate more reasonable incentive mechanisms and Performance management methods, build a capable, active and highly cooperative team, so that everyone can do more business, make more money, work hard, and live happily every day on the platform of Tavol.

For business management, personally, I need less effort, more leverage, less control, more influence, less one-way command, more interaction, less experience, and more process. . From the four aspects of finance, customer, process and learning and growth, avoid environmental and safety accidents, continuously improve the labor and social security of employees, so that shareholders and customers can be satisfied, and do a good job in the medium and long-term development of the company. The planning and corporate culture of Tavol have allowed Tavol to develop and grow in a healthy and sustainable manner.

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I have read a lot of books in the past two years of the epidemic. Everyone knows that I have been studying for an MBA program at Taishan School of Management since August this year. I will continue to increase my investment in learning, and work hard to study how to stimulate the vitality of employees and teams, and continue to improve. Corporate efficiency, as the leader of Tavol, I cannot let the ceiling of cognition limit Tavol’s development and future.

This is a beautiful era. As long as you work hard and work hard, you will have the opportunity to create a wonderful life. In the next 10 years, let us look forward to a more glorious Tavol. thank you all!